Volunteers Are Welcomed In Head Start

Volunteers are a treasure to Head Start and are welcomed at all 41 Head Start sites and by the administrative office as well. We work with other County Departments and/or outside agencies that have volunteers who may need work assignments. Whether you volunteer to meet a need or you wish to get back into the workforce, the best part of volunteering is that you will be doing something that is your choice and that you will enjoy doing.
The Head Start program offers volunteers many choices for showing their talents, expertise and/or building their job skills. We can provide you the experiences that will help you with your future endeavors. Whatever your need to volunteer may be, we will be glad to help and at the same time, you will be helping us.
A volunteer is anyone who without compensation or expectation of compensation performs a task at the direction of and on behalf of the Department. All volunteers will receive an interview and orientation upon assignment.
Our expectations are few: Your time and your commitment. In addition, because we operate State licensed facilities, volunteers must be at least 18 years of age and, depending on assignment, may need the following documentation: Photo ID and Tuberculosis (TB) clearance. Please find the TB Resource Listing for assistance with obtaining your TB clearance. Upon assignment as a volunteer and prior to being sent to a Head Start/State Preschool site, you will receive a Life Scan (fingerprints).

As a site volunteer, you will have several types of opportunities as follows: classroom aide, custodial, clerical or food service. Some of the duties include: helping children with artwork, reading stories, helping clear up after activities, helping to serve meals, etc.
In the office, your opportunities will vary depending on your skill level: typing, filing, gathering information, collating, and computer usage. You will be placed according to the need and your skills. You go at your own pace with no pressure; you are, after all, doing something for children. If you need on-the-job training, someone will be available to assist you. What a great way to get job experience, meet interesting people, have fun with kids and / or get acquainted with wonderful new opportunities.
If you need additional information regarding volunteering or if you are interested in volunteering or you know someone that may benefit from this opportunity, contact us at (909) 383-2000.
We welcome your volunteerism!