You and your child are getting ready to venture into new experiences, whether it is the public school system or private schools. You may already have children in the school system or perhaps this is the first time for both of you. Whatever the case may be, we want to assist you in selecting the right school for your child.

Helping you and your child prepare for kindergarten
While enrolled in our program, your child’s teacher presented experiences to prepare children for kindergarten. This may have included a field trip to visit an elementary school’s kindergarten class and teachers. You and your child’s teacher may have discussed the schools in your area, what information will be sent to the school of your choice from our program and when this will be done. You may have also attended a series of workshops regarding what is required and what to expect in the transition to kindergarten.
If you have any further questions concerning your child’s transition to kindergarten, your child’s teacher or the Site Supervisor at your local Head Start/State Preschool can answer many of your questions.
Here are some helpful hints to help ensure an optimum experience transitioning to your child’s next school experience:

Talk with your child about his/her new school, new teacher and new friends
Get involved

You have many choices and this website will provide you with links to valuable resources that will help you evaluate the academic achievement of the schools in your area. These websites will give you the information you need to make an informed decision and ensure that your child has the best opportunity possible in the education system he/she enters.
Connect to valuable resources and information you will need to know about the schools in your area.