Arlene Molina, Director
Hello and Welcome to the Preschool Services Department (PSD) Website.
We want to thank you for taking time to learn more about how San Bernardino County, Preschool Services Department can make a difference in the life of your child and family. We hope that you can gain valuable information as you browse our services. We look forward to being a part of your families’ journey even before your child has taken their first steps in life.
PSD offers a variety of programs that serve families from prenatal care and with children 0 to 5 years of age. PSD’s programs include the Federal Head Start, Early Head Start & Early Head Start – Childcare Partnership, as well as State Preschool programs throughout San Bernardino County.
We are committed to ensuring children have a Head Start or jump start on their education. Our services are free and available to qualifying families from low-income backgrounds and include enrollment options for children in foster care, children with special needs, and those who are homeless. Along with school readiness, children in our program benefit from health, nutritional, dental, and other services to support child wellness. These services strengthen a child’s capability to participate successfully in school.
Our staff are eager to collaborate with you as you embark on this journey and provide support and encouragement every step of the way. We understand that Family and Community are the most important influences in a child’s life. By strengthening the family, we improve a child’s life. An additional focus in our efforts includes fathers and father figures. We want to ensure that fathers are engaged in their child’s education because children benefit when both parents are present and available to provide love, support, and guidance.
Through our vast county and community collaborations, we also empower families by providing parents with access to comprehensive services and resources such as a free Online High School Diploma Program, Employment Training, and Job Placement Services. Additionally, emergency and/or crisis assistance is provided in the areas of food, housing, clothing, and transportation. To remove some of these barriers, we also offer participation in counseling and/or information on issues that place families at risk, such as substance abuse, child abuse and neglect, and domestic violence. Our goal is to remove any barriers that the family may have as they support their child as they transition in and out of our programs. It is my hope that you will join in the effort of improving the lives of children and empowering your family by taking the next steps of enrolling your family in our program. We look forward to serving you.